Our Fitness Programs

Pacific Personal Training Will Help You Reach Your Goals

1 on 1 Personal Training

Discover the pinnacle of personalized fitness with our Personal Training program in Durant. 

At Pacific Personal Training, our seasoned trainers craft sessions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring optimal results. 

Ideal for those seeking dedicated attention or managing specific conditions, our program promises a transformative journey in a private setting.

Semi-Private Training

Empower your fitness journey with The Sisterhood at Pacific Personal Training. 

Dive into a vibrant, community-driven environment, working out alongside motivated women. 

Experience camaraderie, expert guidance, and tailored workouts, all while connecting with like-minded women in Durant.

Online Coaching

Experience the future of fitness with Online Coaching from Pacific Personal Training.

Train on your terms, anytime, anywhere, without equipment constraints. 

Our comprehensive virtual platform ensures expert guidance, tailored workouts, and the flexibility to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Nutrition Coaching

Unlock the secrets to optimal health with Nutrition Coaching at Pacific Personal Training. 

Go beyond mere meal plans and delve into a holistic approach to nourishment. 

Our experts guide you through sustainable habits, ensuring long-term health and well-being. Prioritize your health from the inside out.

Hybrid Coaching

Blend in-studio expertise with online flexibility through our Hybrid Coaching program. 

Enjoy personalized face-to-face sessions in Durant and complement them with tailored virtual workouts. 

It’s the perfect balance for those seeking a versatile approach to fitness.

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